外墙防火保温板有哪些作用? |
添加时间:2019/6/28 15:21:29 浏览次数: |
外墙防火保温板有哪些作用? What are the functions of exterior wall fireproof insulation board? 1、有效降低耗能 1. Reducing Energy Consumption Effectively 传统外墙保温装饰一体板一般选用挤塑板、酚醛板等等,属于易燃品。近年来因外墙保温材料发生了很多火灾事故。因此现代外墙防火保温板要求防火等级达到A级。 The traditional exterior wall thermal insulation decoration integrated board generally uses extrusion board, phenolic board and so on, which belongs to flammable products. In recent years, many fire accidents have happened because of the thermal insulation materials of external walls. Therefore, modern exterior wall fire-proof insulation board requires the fire-proof level to reach A level. 2、保温系统 2. Insulation System 超薄石材保温一体板主要由发泡镁水泥和EPS颗粒复合搭配而成,保持优良防火性能的同时,还拥有良好的保温特性。适用于民用建筑、厂房墙体、冷库等的外墙保温系统。 Ultra-thin stone thermal insulation integrated board is mainly composed of foamed magnesia cement and EPS particles, which maintains excellent fire resistance and good thermal insulation characteristics. It is suitable for exterior wall insulation system of civil buildings, factory walls, cold storage, etc. 3、构造 3. Structure 石材保温一体板主要构造有四层,分别是粘结层、保温层、抹面层、饰面层。其中饰面层选用饰面砂浆、装饰灰浆等等水性外墙涂料。 The main structure of the stone thermal insulation integrated board is four layers, namely, bonding layer, thermal insulation layer, plastering layer and decorative layer. Among them, water-borne exterior wall coatings such as decorative mortar, decorative mortar and so on are selected for decorative layer. 4、建筑节能 4. Building Energy Conservation 让室内环境更加稳定、更加舒适,有效提高居住环境的水平。为消费者提供良好的住房环境。 Make the indoor environment more stable and comfortable, and effectively improve the level of living environment. Provide consumers with a good housing environment. |
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