建筑保温出现的质量问题种类 |
添加时间:2017/4/26 15:59:45 浏览次数: |
1.1 外保温墙体板痕明显及开裂 External thermal insulation wall plate 1.1 mark clearly and cracking 这是目前“发病率”最高的建筑保温质量问题,在沈阳市所有采用涂料(含乳胶漆平涂、真石漆、理石漆、质感涂料等)作为外装饰面的建筑物中,有超过80%的有此类质量通病。 This is the "incidence" the highest quality problem, building insulation in shenyang all adopt coatings (including emulsioni paint coating, really shiqi, Richard stone paint, texture paint, etc.) as the building outside decorations, more than 80% of such quality common fault. 这种病症轻则影响建筑物的外观美感,严重的会形成网上热议的“楼泡泡”、“绷带楼”,再进一步发展会产生脱落、影响建筑的使用功能并最终影响外保温体系的寿命。 This condition light effect of the structure of the aesthetic appearance, serious can form online hot bubble "floor", "the bandage floor", further development will produce loss, affect the use of the building function and ultimately affect the service life of external thermal insulation system.
1.2 外保温墙体渗漏 1.2 external thermal insulation wall leakage 在施工过程中,由于施工工艺不合乎规范,造成窗口、墙面等部位渗漏。不但影响建筑的节能效果及使用功能,最终会影响外保温体系的寿命。 In the process of construction, due to the construction process does not accord with standard, causing leakage of Windows, walls and other parts. Not only influence of the energy saving effect and the use of the building function, will ultimately affect the service life of external thermal insulation system.
1.3 防护面层和饰面层(墙皮)脱落 1.3 protective layer and layer (plaster) off 是指外墙保温系统的防护面层和饰面层剥离并且脱落。不但影响建筑物的美观、造成经济损失,还有可能造成人身伤亡。网上戏称这种现象为“楼纸纸”。 Of exterior wall thermal insulation system refers to the protective layer and decorative layer stripping and fall off. Not only influence the structure of the beautiful, caused economic losses, and may cause personal injury. Online called this phenomenon the "floor paper paper".
1.4 外墙保温整体脱落 1.4 outer wall heat preservation overall loss 是指外墙保温系统从保温层断裂或粘结砂浆断裂,导致整个系统脱落,从而彻底丧失保温功能。不但影响建筑物的美观、造成经济损失,还有可能造成人身伤亡。网上也称这种现象为“楼纸纸”。 Refers to the external wall thermal insulation system from insulation fault rupture or binding mortar, cause the whole system, thus to lose heat preservation function. Not only influence the structure of the beautiful, caused economic losses, and may cause personal injury. Online also call this phenomenon "floor paper paper".
1.5 外墙面砖脱落 1.5 outside wall face brick fall off 外墙面砖或连带保温层脱落,会造成严重的经济损失,甚至有可能造成人身伤亡。 Wall brick or joint insulation layer falls off, will cause serious economic losses, even may cause personal injury. |
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